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1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 's_%' OR product_name LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%' OR upc_code LIKE '%Orvil...' at line 1

select 'Coupon' as result_type, coupon_id as _id, coupon.begin_date, coupon.end_date, coupon.coupon_name as name, coupon.discount as value, coupon.discount_units as value_units, product.product_name, datediff(end_date,curdate()) days_left, '' as special_promotion, '' as store_name FROM coupon, product WHERE coupon.product_id = product.product_id AND (coupon_name LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%' OR product_name LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%' OR upc_code LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') UNION select 'Sale Line Item' as result_type, sale_line_item.sale_line_item_id as _id, sale.begin_date, sale.end_date, sale_line_item.sale_line_item_name as name, sale_line_item.price as value, sale_line_item.price_units as value_units, product.product_name, datediff(end_date,curdate()) days_left, sale_line_item.special_promotion, store_name FROM store, sale, sale_line_item, product WHERE store.store_id = sale.store_id AND sale.sale_id = sale_line_item.sale_id AND sale_line_item.product_id = product.product_id AND (UPPER(sale_line_item_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR UPPER(product_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR upc_code LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') UNION select 'Product Best Price' as result_type, product_best_price.product_best_price_id as _id, '' as begin_date, product_best_price.price_date as end_date, product_best_price.product_best_price_name as name, product_best_price.price as value, product_best_price.price_units as value_units, product.product_name, '' as days_left, '' as special_promotion, store_name FROM store, product_best_price, product WHERE store.store_id = product_best_price.store_id AND product_best_price.product_id = product.product_id AND (UPPER(product_best_price_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR UPPER(product_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR upc_code LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') UNION select 'Product' as result_type, product_id as _id, '' as begin_date, '' as end_date, concat(vendor_name, ' ', product_name) as name, '' as value, '' as value_units, product.product_name, '' as days_left, '' as special_promotion, '' as store_name FROM product, vendor WHERE product.vendor_id = vendor.vendor_id AND (UPPER(product_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR UPPER(vendor_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR upc_code LIKE '%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') UNION select 'Deal' as result_type, deal_id as _id, begin_date, end_date, deal_name as name, price as value, '' as value_units, '' as product_name, '' as days_left, '' as special_promotion, '' as store_name FROM deal WHERE (UPPER(deal_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%') OR UPPER(deal_name) LIKE UPPER('%Orville_Redenbacher's_%')) ORDER BY result_type, end_date DESC