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Deal Name: Ice Time + Curling + Broomball + Dance Party
Comments: You like cold weather, prefer your French fries with cheese curds and gravy, and follow the Caps religiously. Admit it: You have a penchant for the lifestyle of our Northern brethren. Well, raise your maple leaves, and sign on for this Adventure in becoming Canadian for eh night when we take to the ice for curling, broomball, free skate, a dance party, plus beverages and snacks.For those who need a ride, head to the Rosslyn metro station where our faithful team of red and white-clad explorers will be waiting to queue up outside a coach bus, which will take us to The Gardens Ice House in Laurel, Maryland. If you plan on driving yourself, simply meet us at The Gardens Ice House. Upon arrival, our hosts for the evening will give us the rundown of rules of the rink and get right into some Canuck-inspired intramural and professional sports, using equipment lent to us by Charlottesville Main Street Arena. We'll get into teams of seven to battle it out in a game of broomball, or bust out our ice sweeping skills to guide our massive stones to the right spot in a curling match.Once our sporting skills are exercised, we'll strap on skates for time on the private rink, showing off our leaps, flips, and lutzes during the free skate and dance party. Since we don't have that thick Canadian blood, we'll need some refreshments to keep us warm and our energy levels up, which is why Ridgewell Catering will provide a spread of Canadian bacon horseradish dip, Quebec beef and brie mini croissants, and assorted Canadian cheeses and sausage. And to wash it all down, we'll sip on three bottles of the best beer that side of the border: Molson. We may not spend the night in northern territory, but we bet this evening on the ice will be one to talk aboot for a long time.
Source: Living Social
Purchase/Download End Date:
Begin Date: 11/15/2011
End Date: 11/16/2011
Price: $59.00
Original Amount: $0.00
Savings: $-59.00
Cost Per Unit: $0.00
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Location: Washington DC