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Deal Name: $11 - Illustrated Guide Maps of the World's Great Cities
Comments: Travelzoo negotiated an exclusive discount on high-quality guide maps for more than 50 destinations worldwide. For $11, select three MapEasy Guidemaps, described as "charmingly illustrated and elegantly hand-lettered" by the Washington Post. Each one comes detailed with insider knowledge from fellow travelers, such as nearby coffee shops, museums, how much you can expect to pay at restaurants and what hotels offer great views.
Source: TravelZoo
Purchase/Download End Date:
Begin Date: 10/05/2012
End Date: 10/10/2012
Price: $11.00
Original Amount: $22.00
Savings: $11.00
Cost Per Unit: $0.00
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Location: Travelzoo Local Deal:

Tips To Save

Get Money from your bank's ATM machine

Paying a couple dollars may seem like a small price to get some money out of your bank account; however, that $1.50 or $2 can add up to hundreds of dollars depending on how many withdrawals you make. If you do make a withdrawal from one of these machines, take out a large amount of money to minimize the percentage of the fee.