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Deal Name: $19 - Top Ohio Winery: Tastings for 2 w/Appetizer, Reg. $35
Comments: The Plain Dealer says "some of Northeast Ohio's most exceptional wines" can be found at John Christ Winery, and Fox 8 recently named the Avon Lake producer to the Hot List, calling it one of Cleveland's Best Wineries. With this Local Deal, two people can visit this historic north coast winery for $19, regularly $35.
Source: TravelZoo
Purchase/Download End Date:
Begin Date: 09/16/2012
End Date: 09/17/2012
Price: $19.00
Original Amount: $35.00
Savings: $16.00
Cost Per Unit: $0.00
Buy This Deal Click Here
Location: Travelzoo Local Deal:

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Get Money from your bank's ATM machine

Paying a couple dollars may seem like a small price to get some money out of your bank account; however, that $1.50 or $2 can add up to hundreds of dollars depending on how many withdrawals you make. If you do make a withdrawal from one of these machines, take out a large amount of money to minimize the percentage of the fee.