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Deal Name: Dental Exam + Cleaning + X-Rays
Comments: Right up there with "how much do you weigh?" is another groaner of a question: "How long has it been since you saw the dentist?" Brush aside your procrastination with today's sparkling deal from Berkshire Family Dental: Pay $99 for a dental exam, cleaning, and X-rays (a $237 value); or spend $240 for a two-hour Boost whitening treatment (a $495 value). Both offers come with 10% off your next procedure or visit. Located near American University on Massachusetts Avenue, Berkshire boasts free parking and flexible hours, so your appointment won't gum up your schedule. Dr. H. Chehayeb and his associates are looking out for you -- and your teeth -- with their friendly chair-side manner and professional expertise, whether you're getting that long-awaited dental exam or a brighter grin courtesy of Boost's cutting-edge laser treatment. Bite on this deal and with your new sparkling smile, the next question you'll hear is, "Wow, who's your dentist?"
Source: Living Social
Purchase/Download End Date:
Begin Date: 04/26/2012
End Date: 04/27/2012
Price: $99.00
Original Amount: $237.00
Savings: $138.00
Cost Per Unit: $0.00
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Location: Washington DC