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EntityCoupon/Sale/ProductDiscount/PriceEnd DateDays Left
Coupon$2.25 Off Yoplait Go-Gurt Simple$2.2509/11/2011-4909
CouponYoplait Go Gurt$1.7702/22/2011-5110
CouponYoplait GoGurt$0.7505/05/2010-5403
CouponSAVE 40¢ on SIX when you buy SIX CUPS any variety Yoplait® Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, OR Whips!®)$0.40
CouponSAVE 75¢ when you buy ONE any flavor Yoplait® Frozen Smoothie$0.75
CouponSAVE 40¢ on SIX when you buy SIX CUPS any variety Yoplait® Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, OR Whips!®)$0.40
CouponSAVE 50¢ on TWO when you buy TWO CUPS any flavor Yoplait® Greek yogurt $0.50
CouponSAVE 75¢ ON TWO when you buy TWO any flavor Yoplait® products listed: • Yoplait® Go-GURT® Yogurt • Yoplait® Kids Cup Yogurt • Yoplait® Trix® Multipack Yogurt • Yoplait® Splitz® Yogurt $0.75
CouponSAVE 75¢ when you buy ONE package of Yoplait® Light yogurt with Granola$0.75
CouponSAVE 75¢ on TWO when you buy TWO any flavor Yoplait® products listed: • Yoplait® Go-GURT® Yogurt • Yoplait® Kids Cup Yogurt • Yoplait® Trix® Multipack Yogurt • Yoplait® Splitz® Yogurt$0.75
Product Best PriceYoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt 32-Pack at Costco$5.64/Each08/21/2011
Product Best PriceYoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt at Wegmans$1.99/Each08/13/2011
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt at Safeway$0.60/Each12/06/2011-4823
Sale Line ItemYoplait GoGurt (6 Pack) at Harris Teeter$2.00/Each10/25/2011-4865
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt at Harris Teeter$0.60/Each10/25/2011-4865
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt at Safeway$0.60/Each10/11/2011-4879
Sale Line ItemYoplait GoGurt at Safeway$1.99/Each10/04/2011-4886
Sale Line ItemYoplait GoGurt at Kroger$1.49/Each09/25/2011-4895
Sale Line ItemYoplait GoGurt (6 Pack) at Shoppers Food$2.50/Each09/21/2011-4899
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt 10 for $6 at Giant Food$0.60/Each08/18/2011-4933
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt 20 for $10 at Giant Food$0.50/Each03/24/2011-5080
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt 10 for $5 at Safeway$0.50/Each03/08/2011-5096
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt 20 for $10 at Giant Food$0.50/Each02/24/2011-5108
Sale Line ItemYoplait Yogurt at Safeway$0.49/Each02/15/2011-5117

Tips To Save

Delay buying what you want by as much time as possible

It's interesting how your desire to buy something can fade over time. You think you need something, then you realize after a week or two that you just "wanted" it...but didn't really need it. Impulse buying generally leads to either overpaying for something (no time to research) or buying something you don't really need.